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From Shackles to Mountains - Shattering the shackles (the false or negative beliefs) you hold about yourself or life to lifeaffirming thoughts of attaining the mountains (aspiring desires) you yearn for.
You Deserve It: This talk is based on my book, You Deserve It, A True Story of Learning to Say No in Order to Say Yes to Big Love, under my pen name of Marisa Bellami - This talk is for women reminding them of their Divine worth and to have a Big Love for themselves!
Give Yourself Roses (Talk Title and Workshop Title)
It’s OK to Take Care of YOU! (Talk Title and Workshop Title)
Women’s Spiritual Powers—Expanding Your God-Given Gifts Within! (Talk Title AND Workshop/Retreat Title)
Living Lighter With Humor, Joy and Laughter! (Talk Title AND Workshop/Retreat Title)
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